Sunday 21 June 2015

Rights Commissions. 1. NHRC

Rights Commissions.

1. NHRC National Human Rights Commission-
-Statutory body and not a constitutional body.
-Multi member body consists of chairman and four members.
-Chairman should be a retired CJI and members should be serving or retired judges of SC ,HC and two serving persons having knowledge or practical experience w.r.t. human rights
-In addition to these it has four ex-officio  members Chairmen for National Commission for Minorities, NMCs for SCs, NMCs for STs and NMC for Women.

-Chairman and members are appointed by the President on the recommendations of a six member committee consisting of PM, Speaker of Lok Sabha , Dy Chairman of Lower House, and leader of opposition in both the houses of Parliament and Central Home Minister.
-Chairman and members hold office for a term of 5 Years or until they attain the age of 70 YEARS.

NHRC was established in 1993 under a legislation enacted by Parliament namely, Protection of Human Rights Act. 1993. This Act was amended in 2006.
(NHRC -Watch Dog of Human rights in the Country.

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