Thursday 27 August 2015

98 Shortlisted Cities to be built as Smart Cities.

98 Shortlisted Cities to be built as Smart Cities.  Urban Development Minister Venkaiah Naidu.

- Mr. Naidu unveiled a list of 98 cities with Uttar Pradesh taking the largest share of developing 13 smart cities followed by Tamil Nadu, which qualified to develop 12.

- With an aim to achieve “inclusive growth”, the Smart City Mission promotes integrated city planning, where the government’s policies such as Swachh Bharat Mission and Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation complement each other.

New Parameters.

- New parameters set by the Ministry have created a “perform or perish” situation where municipal councils “cannot afford to miss this opportunity of recasting the country’s urban landscape”.
- The Ministry will impose fines on States that violate the timeline of 60 days of finalizing the projects.

- Of the 98 cities and towns that five years down will graduate into smart cities,
24 are capital cities, another 24 are business and industrial centres, 18 are culture and tourism influenced areas, five are port cities and three are education and health care hubs.

The missed ones.
-Nine cities, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Shimla, Puducherry, Daman, Patna, Itanagar, Thiruvananthapuram and Gangtok did not qualify for being a smart city. “This non-inclusion goes to prove that the selection in the first stage of competition was not swayed by the status or importance of the cities and the selection was objective and as per the stipulated criteria,” Mr. Naidu. 

Fianance Allocations.
- Urban Development Ministry would provide Rs. 100 crore to each city over the next five years.
- Smart City Mission is largely dependent upon the finance generation at the State-level as well as private investments.
- The Centre has set aside Rs. 48,000 crore for the mission and the money will be released to urban local bodies at frequent intervals in the next five years.
- The Centre has asked the State governments to generate the rest of the Rs. 48,000 crore as the grand total of the mission is estimated at Rs. 96,000 crore.

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