Saturday 15 August 2015

Rubella (German Measles)

Rubella(German Measles). It is Caused by Rubella Virus.

Rubella symptoms include sneezing, coughs, birth defects. Starts on face then rest of the body. Mainly Threat to pregnant woman. If It persists for more than 3 months then women can be affected by congenital rubella syndrome.

Relation with India.
India Recently signed an agreement with Netherlands to transfer of Technology for  rubella vaccine.

First time eradication.
North America and South America first region in the world to eradicate this Rubella ( also known as German Measles). IT Was possible only after 15 year vaccinations in this region.

North America and South America was also the first one to eradicate polio in 1994 and Smallpox in 1971 in the world.

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